About Me

Hi! I'm Abhiram Thotkura, a student at Hunter College majoring in computer science. I am currently based in New York and looking to focus on Artificial Intelligence.



Intern at REPAY and fellow at Headstarter AI with a number of projects under my belt.



Proficient in C++ and Python with extensive experience in developing robust applications and scripts. Strong understanding of object-oriented programming, data structures and algorithims, and memory allocation.



Some of my completed projects

Project #1

A racing competition program that uses object oriented program to generate a race between two objects.

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Project #2

A memory game that is based on matching pairs of numbers and empty spaces.

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Project #3

An arithmetic game that can read csv files containing basic math problems and gives the user a percentage grade.

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Project #4

A Cipher Decryption program that was made using Python.

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